Amazing uses for cardboard boxes around the home
June 14, 2018 1:29 pm
One of the best ways to recycle cardboard packaging is to transform them into something that you could use in your household. Not only are you saving the planet, but you are also saving those all-important pennies!
We’ve put together some of our favourite uses for old cardboard boxes that will get you reaching for your recycling bin!
1: Customised shoe rack
Don’ t you hate it when you a buy a shoe rack that always seems to be getting too full for the number of shoes you have? Well, this solves that problem, as you can keep adding the pyramids to extend the rack whenever you get a new pair!
2: Pin board
Keep all your memories and notes in one place with this really simple to make pinboard. All you need to do is cover the cardboard box with your favourite material to match your room and voala.. you have your very own pinboard.
3: Lap desk for kids
This is a great idea for kids to use, plus they can go totally creative with it and customise the box to however they want. It’s ideal for doing homework their or reading a book.
4: Storage box
Save money on storage boxes and make your own! Old boxes are so easy to decorate and use as storage for anything you need. You’d be surprised at how amazing they turn out in the end.
5: Drawer organiser
Keep all your drawers organised with this fully customisable drawer insert. You can use different sized boxes to fit the items you’ll be storing and create simple dividers whenever you need to store more things.
6: Decorative trays
Cardboard boxes are great for designing your own decorative tray. You can use them to hold your jewellery, watch, mobile phone and plus they are perfect to use as a base for a gift hamper. To finish it off, you can cover the tray with clear cellophane.
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